So I apologize, I've been a stranger lately. I've just had a lot going on and no time for anything it seems.
**Weekend Update**
I'll start a little early since something worth mentioning happened on Thursday.
At 3am my phone goes off, it's a text tone I know all too well. THE BOY wants to know if he can come over and talk, he has things he wants to say. So of course, I let him…I realize I have no clue why I backed down and let him come over, I guess there was a part of my half asleep mind that still wanted to see what he had to say. I get the usual I really missed you while I was gone, I really think about you a lot and all the usual. I can honestly say that I don't know how I feel. I really feel like he isn't going to be ready to give me anything near what I need or want in the near future and I don't have the urge to wait around for him.
So I ended up being up from 3am on that morning… and yes Friday was the day I was leaving work at noon to go up and see E and I was on 5 hours of sleep for what was going to be a very long night.
Suffer through the 4 hours of work, I had no one to talk to as my desk partner was off that day and K had taken the day off, as had E. Grab a quick bite to eat and head to K's to meet her and T to head up.
I don't think I remembered how much I had liked being around E until I was up there again. To spare all of the details, it was very sweet and I smiled a lot. =)
Well that was until the multiple bottles of wine, straight whiskey and punch kicked my ass. Needless to say I blacked out and don't remember several hours, and ended up getting sick…lovely, and passing out on E's friends couch. Once I woke up I was completely fine again, so apparently I need to stay away from the damn wine.
I didn't want to leave, once I woke up and started having parts of what I'd forgotten told to me. K wanted me to stay, but I couldn't ditch out on Shebelle and the party. So I headed down (several hours later then I should have) and had a good time at the party. My hair looked very cute and it was a good time, even if I was exhausted and decided to drive home at 3am…or wait I suppose at that point it really felt like 4am since we'd set the clocks back.
I was lazy all day then went and saw The Departed, amazing movie I recommend to everyone. Then THE BOY text me to go see Saw 3 with him, and of course I had to go see it… I mean it's Saw 3!!! We had a good time, it was hard being around him and trying to make sure he saw it as us just being friends.
I'm not entirely sure what is going to happen but I know I really like E, but I have a very confusing situation going on with THE BOY right now and I'm not sure what to make of it. I think he's trying to prove more to me, I can see it in little things that he's doing but I'm not really sure how I feel about it all. I care about him, and I don't want to hurt him but I just don't think it'll work anymore. He's not anywhere near being ready to give me what I want and need, and I think there might be too much negative there for that to happen. He wants me in this limbo and I don't know what to make of it all. I'm going to have to push this just friends thing, and really hold my ground on this one. Aghhh…
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